Asfinag – A countrywide ITS solution in Austria

Asfinag – A countrywide ITS solution in Austria

Integrated video traffic monitoring covering motorways and tunnels in whole Austria. The customer is ASFINAG (Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft), motorway and expressroad financing company from Austria.

The Asfinag project is a countrywide ITS solution that connects regionalized road and tunnel CCTV systems to control centres throughout Austria, 主要是在维也纳, and manages them from those centres. A full-scale, fault-free test operation has been conducted since the beginning of 2005. This was achieved using 电话este’s VMX 视频管理系统.

The design of the system is based on concepts of modularity, open architecture and the use of industrial standards. The system consists of a set of encoders, decoders, transcoders, video matrixes, and so forth. The combination of the well-defined functionality of the system modules and open interfaces provides a solid base for a scalable, 分布式系统.

  • 采用集中式ITS解决方案, it is easier and more efficient to operate the regional road and tunnel networks.
  • An EFC (electronic toll collection) system was introduced by the state-owned ASFINAG to ensure sufficient funding for maintaining and operating the road network.
  • The safety and convenience of the users of motorways and express roads is improved with a monitoring system covering a major part of the road network, 包括隧道和桥梁.
  • Installation sites for the system include road tunnels and bridges, surface roads and monitoring centres.
  • The system runs on a variety of underlying physical networks, including Gigabit Ethernet over SM fibre, radio links with various bandwidths, SDH, PDH, G.703, black/dark fibre, ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network and the Internet. It also includes miscellaneous network equipment, including CISCO Catalyst series equipment supporting multicast and SNMP-based performance monitoring.
  • The video application is a true distributed, 完全可伸缩, 3-tier system supporting automatic overbooking protection of network bandwidth and automatic prioritization of network traffic. The application operates in an integrated mode (common multi-application front end) or native mode (using 电话este VMX Clients). It includes centralized recording and playback.
  • 电话este VMX is integrated with the central technical system: 电话este VMX Client as frontend, 潜在的安全, 安全和自动化系统, analogue CCTV: Video matrixes and motorized camera units, 24/7 operation and performance monitoring.
  • The system enables remote monitoring, 诊断, 支持和维护, and remote control of CCTV components: matrixes, 四, 电动P/T/Z/F相机装置, 圆顶相机.
  • Receiving sites are equipped with both 电话este and third-party decoders.
  • To also ensure the best possible video quality for decoding sites with less available bandwidth, each video input (camera) is simultaneously triple encoded: MPEG-4 with two different sets of parameters and a JPEG stream (1 fps).
  • 人物:
    • 摄像机总数:~5200台
    • 编码通道数:~3280
    • 记录通道数:~35个
    • Number of HW decoding channels: ~1360
    • Number of SW decoding channels: ~380
    • VMX客户端数量:~145

Design of the system is based on concepts of modularity, open architecture and use of industrial standards. Structure of the system follows 3-tier architecture principles. Resources are represented by a set of encoders, decoders, transcoders, video matrixes, etc. Business logic tier is build by Policy 管理 Servers, which is responsible for the system control and resource allocation. 最后, the topmost tier is build by the Client software that provides operator GUI (Graphical User Interface) on the operating workstations.

Interfaces between tiers are well defined in order to enable extensibility and simplify integration within 分布式系统. Standard network protocols (TCP/IP) and flexible notation for high level interfaces make a foundation for data flow in the system and communication between tiers. Combination of well-defined functionality of the system modules and open interfaces provides a solid base for scalable 分布式系统.


  • PKE Electronics AG: Main contractor network infrastructure Installations, 部署, 支持和维护.
  • 电话este Corporation: Video application and system integration.